Full Moon in Topsail

I slipped out to the Outer Banks a few weeks ago and enjoyed the full moon over the ocean. I took the opportunity to get a few long exposure photos.

The full moon partially obscured by clouds.

The full moon partially obscured by clouds.

I was a bit disappointed because weather had moved in and clouds covered the sky. During the breaks in the clouds I took the opportunity to get some dramatic moody shots. I didn't have a super long lens with me , just my 200mm, so I focused on the light and shapes created by the moon peeking through the clouds.


I pulled back to get the scene. The long exposure gave me the smooth waves I wanted in the ocean and the dramatic clouds made the shot.

I framed up another scene and drug the shutter even longer to get the feel of daylight. I love doing this in bright moon light as it gives a dreamy feel that you can’t get any other way.